
Researches about Mesona Chinensis Benth you might have missed

You must have been too familiar with grass jelly or herbal jelly, but do you know, they are actually much more magical than you think. Believe it or not, grass jelly has so many benefits for health, and it is even called a precious medicine. Don’t believe it? Take a look at the scientific research on Mesona Chinensis, the main ingredients of grass jelly.

For a very long time, Mesona Chinensis has been considered a precious herb. Owing to its numerous features that are believed to be good for health, it was widely used in Traditional medicine since the old days. In the book “Medical plants and herbs of Vietnam” summarizing countless valuable conclusions of our ancestors about traditional Vietnamese medicine, Prof. Dr. Do Tat Loi also pointed out that: “Mesona Chinensis Benth has cooling properties, it can be used to treat colds, acute arthritis, nephritis, blood pressure, and diabetes”. This is a proof that the medicinal value of Mesona Chinensis Benth has been recognized in practice since long time ago, and not just until today.

With a passion for this traditional plant of Vietnam, Jelly Bird also joined hands with the nutritionists from the National Institute of Nutrition and conducted a scientific research project called “Evaluation of quality, nutritional composition and Bioactive substances of Mesona Chinensis Benth powder”.

And, scientists have actually found that Mesona Chinensis contains nutrients that are beneficial to health such as: 17 amino acids (including 7 essential amino acids for the body),  important components of dietary fiber that assist the digestion,  polyphenols, and flavonoids. 

The health benefits of Mesona Chinensis include: 


  • The ability to cure diseases such as flu, acute arthritis
  • Supports blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and diabetes
  • The ability to reduce the risk of obesity
  • The possibility is to reduce blood sugar and increase antioxidants in a carbohydrate-rich after meal for overweight people.

This shows that the plant extract could be used as a potential meal replacement to prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and their complications. In addition, the polyphenols extract in Mesona Chinensis has also been proven to have antioxidant effects that help protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidizing properties.

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